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Functional Safety

Functional Safety Certification: Why It Matters for Autonomous Machines

In nearly every industry, automated and autonomous machines are transforming the way we work. Today’s machines are smarter and more mobile than ever before, working closely together with humans to perform difficult tasks and advance productivity. But this new era of human-machine collaboration comes with new risks; machine builders and end users have a responsibility to ensure the safety of people who work with these machines. This is where functional safety certification becomes crucial.

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Functional Safety

New Remote Control Brings SIL 3–Certified Safety to Autonomous Vehicles and Heavy Machinery

FORT is pleased to announce the official launch of our Safe Remote Control Pro with SIL 3 Certification from exida. Read the full press release here.

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Maximizing Productivity in Agriculture with Safe and Secure Machines

The Agriculture industry has been facing mounting pressures over the past few decades. Operational costs continue to grow, the labor pool continues to shrink, and environmental changes make maximizing crop yield a constant struggle.

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FORT Manager 2.0: The New Look of Device Management

FORT is excited to announce that the latest release of FORT Manager is now live! FORT Manager 2.0 has a modern user experience and new capabilities for seamless management of your FORT Pro Series devices.

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Functional Safety

FORT Endpoint Controller Now SIL 3 Certified

FORT's Endpoint Controller for Wireless Safety and Control of Machines and Robots Receives SIL 3 Certification. We are pleased to announce that our Endpoint Controller has earned SIL 3 certification from exida. Read the press release here.

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New Endpoint Controller: Global Safety Commands for Robots and Machines

FORT is pleased to announce that our Endpoint Controller is now available, empowering machine users and OEMS to drive productivity with wireless safety, security, and control.

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Forklift Accident Prevention: Understanding Risks and Enhancing Safety

Forklifts are a common fixture on many work sites, and are essential to daily logistics operations and moving goods through the supply chain. However, forklifts are also a common cause of workplace accidents, with an estimated 90,000 forklift-related safety incidents each year.

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Functional Safety

Enhancing Off-Highway Automation System Safety

FORT sat down with Alex Foessel of Balanced Engineering to get his take on automation system functional safety for off-highway and heavy equipment. Important considerations go beyond the machine's core functionality, including maintenance, transportation, and configuration.

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Video: Applications for Wireless E-Stop Systems

Wireless emergency stop systems are safe, convenient, and have a wide range of applications. Yet many people are surprised to learn that wireless e-stopping is not only possible but it's also actually an ideal safety solution for many industries.

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3 Ways Robots Are Making Construction Safer

When properly employed, construction robotics, autonomous machines and smart technology can improve construction site safety.

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