FORT talks with safety standards expert, Carole Franklin of A3, on why safety standards are more important than ever and what companies often miss about robot safety compliance.
FORT talks with safety standards expert, Carole Franklin of A3, on why safety standards are more important than ever and what companies often miss about robot safety compliance.
Machines of today are more connected than ever, which requires a new approach to security. Namely, converging two departments that have historically been separate entities, IT and OT. Nivedita Ojha discusses the relationship between IT & OT and why it is so important the two work together to protect machines and prevent cyber attacks.
The line that historically separated Information Technology (IT) and Operational Technology (OT) is disappearing as businesses across industries continue to employ connected equipment on worksites. Disruptor, innovator, and IT rockstar, Todd Dekkinga, shares his insights on what this means for the future, and why security is crucial for the future of machine operations.
Emergency Stops are a universal safety tool used across industries. For mobile machines, wireless e-stops could be the key to unlocking safety and productivity in various applications.
Key considerations for designing safe autonomous, robotic, or remote-controlled lawn mowing solutions.
FORT talks with safety expert Erik Reynolds of Reynolds & Moore to get his take on what developers need to know about functional safety for autonomous systems as a part of our new Q&A series, Safety Check.
FORT's Cybersecurity, Cloud & Mobile Product Developer, Mike Zipperer, talks about the FORT product portfolio in this video from RoboBusiness 2022.
Smart technology is leading to increased productivity and safety for workers across several industries including agriculture, construction, lawn care, and warehousing. With the addition of autonomy, workers are able to focus on higher-valued tasks instead of the 3Ds - dull, dirty, and dangerous.
On the heels of a Series B fundraise, FORT Founder and CEO Samuel Reeves reflects on FORT's vision and the true potential of automation.
The capital will enable FORT to fast-track development of security solutions and broaden the reach of its safety and control platform for smart machines.
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